Pulp Culture Comics Art Festival and Symposium

This unique festival occurred at UVM (and here's an article about it) with support from the Vermont FolkLife Center and many other sponsors.  It was a thrill to contribute a small amount to the organization of this event and to be around such luminaries in the world of comics for 3 days.  

Thursday began with a visit from James Sturm, Summer Pierre, and Allie Fitzgerald.  We had coffee on Church St with Art Spiegleman before his talk later that evening.  On Friday, Isaac Cates had a conversation with Joe Sacco in front of a full lecture hall, with a reception afterwards where I had a chance to talk with Joe, Hilary Chute, Chris Couch, Dan and Rachel Fogel, as well as meet the Quebecois cartoonists who came to the event: Francois Vigneault, Frances Desharnais, Alexandre Simard and Zviane of Pow Pow press, as well as Julie Delporte and Jimmy Beaulieu.  I met Dana Walrath and Marek Bennet for the first time, after admiring their work for a long time.  I came away from the exhibition hall on Saturday with an amazing collection of new books.

On Saturday there were five panel discussions, including mine on Autobiography--I was on the stage with James Kochalka, Julie Delporte, and Rachel Lindsay, moderated by Isaac Cates.  

Alison Bechdel's talk on Saturday night was funny and inspiring, and I was made aware again how long she has been working (especially on Dykes to Watch Out For), and how much humor and truth she has given the world.  

I feel very grateful to have been part of this unique event.  Thanks to organizers Jonah Steinberg, Andy Kolovos, Margaret Tamulonis.   I am sure I must be forgetting someone!  It was FUN.  

New to Patreon!

I've just created a Patreon account in order to post my Greek Diary project!   Every week I will post pages from diary comics I kept in Greece:  part about working as illustrator on an excavation, part about traveling to islands with my family.   I will post pages I drew while traveling and continue to create new pages that add context and memories of my first and many subsequent trips to Greece over nearly 20 years, especially Santorini, the site of the beginning of the romance with John 13 years ago.  This book is currently around 160 pages. I plan to add to this number over the next months.

This project feeds Alle Ego, another book (in progress) about friendship and romance on my first trip to Greece as a grad student.